
5 Ways Milk Can Help Boost Your Immune System

Our immune systems can help protect us from getting sick – and promote healing when we are sick. But they need quality fuel to work properly. Milk is a staple food many of us already have in our fridges as a handy ingredient in coffee, smoothies, baking and so much more, as well as a drink by itself. It’s also something dietitians refer to as “nutrient dense,” meaning it gives you a lot of nutrients for relatively few calories.

Vitamin D: Dairy’s Immune Boosting Nutrient

If you watch the news or scroll through your social feeds, you’ve likely noticed how easy it is to get lost in conflicting nutrition recommendations or overwhelmed by the latest wave of popular vitamin and supplement trends. It can be difficult to know if you’re meeting your body’s needs through food, and if not, which nutrients you should take as supplements. And there is one vitamin in particular that has gotten a lot of attention during the pandemic – vitamin D. 
